Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Week 4 : Time to Let Go!

Weekly Statistics:
Week 4 = 129 Visits to (unchanged), daily average = 18 visits

Like the housing market, I think I may have plateaued (there's a spelling bee killer for you). Let's hope this trend holds, and in fact begins to rise once the book is published.

I sold an eBook this week! Let's see, to date, that makes one. At least I won't have to hire an accountant any time soon. No worries - I'm still expecting to see some activity on the Kindle once the book is out. But I don't want to belittle this news. This is a HUGE turning point in my life, as I believe this would make me a professional. Time to update the old tax return - one can never have too many deductions!

Weekly Activity:
With most of my time focused on reviewing the Proof I received last week, I haven't had a whole lot of time to fiddle with the website, but I did make a couple of adjustments. I could tell you what they are, but then you won't have a reason to check it out. I need my visits people!!
I posted a new short story here.
My challenge now is being able to let go. To give you an example of my personality, the last TV I purchased for my home, it took me about 2 weeks, 20 store visits, and about 200 websites to make my final purchase. And that was just a TV people. This book practically screams 'JUDGE ME NOW WORLD', which is why I am now probably on my twentieth review of it. My worst fear is that I'm one of those people that auditions for American Idol who has absolutely no clue that they should not be there. But I will hand it back over to my publisher this weekend and wait for my Simon Cowell review.


  1. Great post!!! And great analogy of Sam being Simon Cowell....or wait are you calling me Simon?? hee hee!! The book is great, have some faith!! You know what you are doing and your book will be a best seller soon!!! :)

  2. Ha! Anyone who reads the book will become my Simon Cowell.
