Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Week 3 : Progress, Book Proof, and Blog Update

Weekly Statistics:
Week 2 = 130 Visits to (down 41% from last week), daily average = 18 visits

Just as expected, stats are down, but I am OK with that. They seem to have leveled off the last couple of days, so hopefully I won't have to report another decline next week.

Weekly Activity:
Just received my proof copy of Pinesport Divide this week. This was truly an exiting event!! Although I think my wife was even more excited than me. My target release has moved back a couple of weeks to mid March. No sales on Kindle yet, however publisher claims once the book is available the Kindle ebook should see some activity from it.

I made a couple tweaks to the website. The main change you will see is that I moved this blog to another site. Originally it was posted on, but my webspace is limited there, so I chose just to place a link from my website to here (which is actually a nicer blogging tool and it's free as well.)

I also set up a 'Lost' Blog since that is one of my favorite shows and I'm hoping fans of it would also be interested in checking out my book which is in the same genre. Right now I'm just toying with things to post there like fun survey questions. The idea is to try and generate traffic to my site, while having some fun.