Friday, March 26, 2010

Weeks 6 & 7 : Houston - We Are Live!

Weekly Statistics
Week 6 = 72 Visits to (trend down), daily average = 10.3 visits
Week 7 = 70 Visits to (trend down), daily average = 2.8 visits

Yes - there has been a downward trend of traffic to the website, but it was to be expected. With all my time occupied on getting the proof completed, there wasn't a whole lot of time (on my part) trying to get the word out. I like to think of it as the quiet before the storm.

THE BOOK IS LIVE! I don't know whether to scream it from a roof top or hide in the corner. Maybe I'll scream from a corner of my roof. It was officially available on Amazon this past Wednesday, March 24th.

What I've Been Up To
As I write this, I'm gazing at some flowering trees starting to bloom just outside my window. I know that in a week's time the trees will accent the scenery like no other time of the year. The sad part is, it will only last 3 or 4 weeks tops, so in order to fully enjoy them I have to pay attention to the moment. OK. OK. I promise to stay away from writing poetry. But I am (trying to) draw an analogy here. Any new book to hit the shelves has a peak time as far as sales are concerned and that time is in the first year. So I need to get busy - fast.

This week I completed an interview with my publisher which can be viewed at SF Varney's Blog or SF Varney's Amazon Page.

Also, I managed to create an Author page established at Amazon Author Central. This will provide additional information about the author or Pinesport Divide (me) for anyone who looks up the book. There are some other advantages, but I'm still learning about the process. It will take another week for Amazon to get the page up and running.

If you are out there, please feel free to join me at my newly created Facebook Page.

As Always
If you are a fellow writer, or even a reader, please feel free to leave comments/suggestions here on the topic of Becoming An Author.

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