Monday, February 22, 2010

Website Creation

One thing every writer must have, so they tell me, is a website. Therefore, my topic today is - yes, you guessed it - Setting Up a Website.

Step One: Decide on a website name. Easy enough, right? Not so fast. Chances are the name you had in mind is already taken, so you must decide on a variation of it. In my case, I settled for a hyphen in between Charles and Matthews.

Step Two: Buy the domain name. The going rate seems to be no more than $15 a year, and if you are planning to use the same company to host your website, then the website name is a lot of the times, free.

Step Three: Select a web host. If your like me, you have very little knowledge about web hosting. There are probably better methods in making your decision than my strategy:
Google 'best web hosts' and pick the one host that ends up at the top of the list three times in a row. I picked iPage and seem to be getting along far.

Step Four: Save yourself the headache and pay for someone to design your website.

Step Four (alternative): If you're broke like me, attempt to design the website yourself utilizing the free tools the web host has provided to you. Try to do this without smashing your computer on the ground.

Step Five: Maintain your wesite. I'll let you know how this is done once I get there.


  1. Step Six, ask your neighbor that has set up his own websites for some advice!! ;) I know Sam will help you anyway he can!

  2. Well said. By all means - if you have resources - USE THEM. This world revolves on who you know!
